Welcome to Search and Rescue Dog Association Isle of Man

You can donate directly to SARDA IOM with PayPal. Help us with the ongoing cost of running the charity. 

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The good news is ALL the money you give goes directly to SARDA IOM, there are no charges for yourselves and PayPal don’t charge us either.

Thanks to Skinners for their continued support for supplying dog food to our dogs on the call out list and in training.  Their support is much appreciated and the dogs thrive on the working dog food supplied.

Isle of Man Search and Rescue Dog Team – (SARDA IOM) is a Manx Registered Charity, Number 918, and is a full member of the National Search & Rescue Dog Association (NSARDA).

We currently have one fully trained trailing dog team, one fully trained air scenting dog team and one trainee air scenting team.

Searching for missing persons, often at night and in poor weather, can be a slow and difficult undertaking. Time is of the essence and our fully qualified search teams can cover large areas of land very quickly.

Our handlers and navigators are all unpaid volunteers, they are members of the Isle of Man’s Emergency Services and are critical component of the IoM Search & Rescue Group.

We are also an associate member of the Mountain Rescue Council of England and Wales.

Primary contact: iomsarda@gmail.com

Trustees of Isle of Man Search and Rescue Dog Team:

J MacGregor (Chairman) – Chair@sardaiom.im
M Stewart (Treasurer) – Treasurer@sardaiom.im
W Heap (Secretary)  secretary@sardaiom.im

Address for correspondence: Thie ny Mara, Shore Road, Laxey, Isle of Man, IM4 7DJ